MCGives! – ACE at Moon Gate Plaza

ACE has been accepted into the MCGives! Campaign, which kicked off today, Nov. 12, and runs to Dec. 31st 2020. Our goal is to raise $50,000 to complete interior construction of ACE’s office/gallery space on Soledad and Lake Streets at Moon Gate Plaza by early 2021.

Interior of ACE office space at Moon Gate Plaza, 11/2020
Interior, ACE Office, Suite A, Moon Gate Plaza

Regular staff hours in a stable office space will enable ACE to apply for larger grants that will have more impact for the Chinatown community as part of the ongoing Chinatown Revitalization. Go to, click on “Meet Our Nonprofits,” then go to the Arts & Culture category and the Asian Cultural Experience page, to donate to our campaign. At this point, we have received $6,500 (thank you!) towards our goal!

Chinatown kids, 1930s.

Imagine historical and cultural exhibits inside our new space and visible in window displays; imagine lectures, programs, and activities for local kids and families, as well as for visitors and students. We also plan to incorporate a small, historical-themed library where people can learn more about the neighborhood and immigrant history.

Photos from the ACE Archives — waiting for an exhibit.
Corner view of ACE office at Moon Gate Plaza
ACE Office at Moon Gate Plaza, corner view

Completion of the ACE office/gallery construction will help to activate Soledad St. alongside our neighbors on the bottom floor of Moon Gate, which include: the Red Artichoke Café, CSUMB Health Services, the Community Policing office, Urban Arts Collaborative, and Public Space’s art studios and gallery. The residential area of Moon Gate has already reached full occupancy, and residents there will also benefit from these organizations and services.

Eventually (after renovating the Republic Cafe building down the street), we plan to shift headquarters to the future Republic Cafe Cultural Center & Museum (we will be fundraising for purchase of that building with a deadline of Dec. 2021), and when that building has been completed, ACE will move, and Suite A will be available for another worthy business/organization.

We hope you will consider donating to MCGives! for completion of the ACE office/gallery space!