Aireene Espiritu: ACE/Asian Festival Fundraiser

We’re getting an early start on promoting our ACE / Asian Festival Fundraiser, featuring musician and vocalist Aireene Espiritu and the Itch, March 24, 2018, at the Filipino Community Center, on Calle Cebu St., Salinas, 2 to 5 pm. Check out the poster below for ticketing information. Your purchase of tickets will help support ACE and the Asian Festival programs to promote the history and culture of Salinas Chinatown, and eventually to renovate the Republic Cafe as a museum and cultural center. In the process, you will  enjoy some amazing roots, folk, and blues.

A wonderful musician in her own right, Aireene Espiritu also plays and records with some of the most talented roots and blues musicians in the Bay Area, including Jim Pugh (Little Village Foundation), Christoffer “Kid” Andersen (Greaseland Studios), Brian Judd (Hot Club of SF), and many more. Mike PZ [Mike Perez] and The Associates will open the show, and we’ll have a stompin’ good time! CDs will be available for sale.  Co-sponsored by the Filipino Community Center of Salinas Valley.

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