Summer Newsletter

Confucius Church sign in Salinas Chinatown.

We are having a quiet summer and will resume most programs this fall. Nevertheless, a number of positive things have happened for ACE this Spring and early Summer. If you haven’t already received your email copy, do check out our current ACE Summer Newsletter! We are now using the Substack platform to send out all newsletters.

This fall we will feature a book talk, at the Confucius Church (), by historian and scholar Dr. Carol Lynn McKibben, author of Salinas: A History of Race and Resilience in an Agricultural City. If you haven’t already read the book, you should; there’s a lot of fascinating information there about Salinas Chinatown’s history and role in Salinas Valley agriculture. 1-4 pm, Oct. 29, at 1 California St., Salinas. The event is FREE. Parking available at Confucius Church and Salinas Buddhist Temple parking lots, as well as on California St.