“A Tribute to My Father”

It’s Filipino-American History month! Filipino student organizations and journals in the U.S. have a history of supporting Filipino American causes, writers, and artists. Journals like The Filipino Student (UC Berkeley, 1905), Liwanag (1975), Maganda (UC Berkeley, 1989), and Pinoy Know Yourself (UC Santa Cruz, 1973), were groundbreaking. ACE member Dom Siababa writes about the founding of CFFC, the first Filipino student organization at UCSC, its publication Pinoy Know Yourself: an Introduction to the Filipino American Experience, and his poem, “A Tribute to My Father.” Read the whole article in The Commonwealth Cafe, a website focusing on Filipino print periodicals published in the U.S.

Pre-WWII Filipino Newspapers

On Saturday, June 13, 2015, Jean Vengua, ACE Co-Chair and member of FANHS (Filipino American National Historical Society), will be giving a talk on Pre-WWII Filipino newspapers published on the West Coast, with a special focus on the Philippines Mail, published out of Salinas — the longest running Filipino newspaper published in the U.S. (from 1920s to the 1980s).

WHEN: Saturday, June 13, 2015, 12:30 pm.
WHERE: Filipino Community Center, 2nd Floor, on Calle Cebu St., Salinas. The event will take place during the FANHS general meeting. Come and learn about Filipino American history at this event.